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Salesforce Integration in Microsoft Teams is ready to be used

There was no official news yet – but you can configure it and use it. All our tests worked fine.

The new Salesforce Teams App offers a great way to see Salesforce Data inside Microsoft Teams. Our App Q!365 adds all the features to see and automate Teams from inside Salesforce. Both ways are important for a successful Teamwork.

We at Q!kom love the Salesforce Teams App – so we already automated the Tab creation from inside Salesforce.

To check if you are ready just search from Salesforce Setup, in the Quick Find box, Teams, and then select “Teams Integration”. Remember that your Microsoft Admin has to activate the App to be used in Teams. Just follow the help and you are fine.

Last minute feature update: The limit of just 5 standard objects is gone – it seems that you find now all objects

Help in Salesforce:

Microsoft App store: Salesforce for Teams

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