Infinity 365

Visit Infinity 365 in Salzburg from June 24th to June 26th We are pleased that we will be at Infinity 365 again this year in June. At Infinity you'll see our latest updates and enhancements and take a look at future ideas and improvements for OnTime for Microsoft. Infinity 365 2024 will take place at the Salzburg Exhibition Center in Austria. More information can be found here: Infinity 365 Use the code "OnTime10" for 10% discount by booking with our partner OnTime.

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Integrate MS Teams Shared Channels in Salesforce

Working in Teams within SalesforceIf you work with customer data, there’s a vast network of information, security and organization that needs tobe kept track of. Thankfully, there is software that can make your life easier. In this new blog series, we want to explore how Salesforce and Microsoft’s SharePoint separately aid in this endeavor and how to combine these two into one fully established entity to create the best of both worlds.In today’s blog, we’ll take a closer look at collaboration to ensure everyone who works on any given opportunity pools all communication and resources into one dedicated Teams Channel.Structure…

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Combined Security: Integrate SharePoint DMS in Salesforce

Data Security ConcernsIf you work with customer data, there’s a vast network of information, security and organization that needs tobe kept track of. Thankfully, there is software that can make your life easier. In this new blog series, we want to explore how Salesforce and Microsoft’s SharePoint separately aid in this endeavor and how to combine these two into one fully established entity to create the best of both worlds.In today’s blog, we’ll take a closer look at one of the most important topics when it comes to CRM and data in general: Security. Ensuring data is only kept where…

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Enrich Experience Cloud with embedded SharePoint and Teams

Keeping in Touch With Your CommunityIf you work with customer data, there’s a vast network of information, security and organization that needs tobe kept track of. Thankfully, there is software that can make your life easier. In this new blog series, we want to explore how Salesforce and Microsoft’s SharePoint separately aid in this endeavor and how to combine these two into one fully established entity to create the best of both worlds.In today’s blog, we’ll take a closer look at the lifeblood for a lot of companies: Their communities and, by extension, the tools necessary to interact with their…

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European Collaboration Summit 2024, Wiesbaden

Visit us at the European Collaboration Summit 24 in Wiesbaden from May 14th to May 16th We look forward to being at ECS again this year, seeing many new and familiar faces from the Microsoft community and sharing the latest improvements and future plans with you! At ECS we will introduce you to the latest updates and enhancements and give you an insight into our future ideas for OnTime for Microsoft. More information can be found here: European Collaboration Summit ( Register now and use our code "ECS-62062200" for 20% discount when booking!

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Is it possible to access my Salesforce contacts in Outlook?

Connecting people across tenants and systems As a company grows, so does their reach - or at least that is the goal. By reach, we mean the amount of people we are in contact with, can show or sell our products or services to and the scope even beyond that as we continue to grow. With that, certain issues tend to show themselves, especially when it comes to personally or digitally trying to reach out to these ever-growing numbers of people. Back in the day, we used physical paper address books to keep a list of names, phone numbers and…

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Wir sind Ohana 2024

The German Salesforce Community meets in BerlinOn May 24th, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., the German Salesforce Community will meet again to bring together international experts and volunteers as well as visitors to the Salesforce world and exchange news and information. Qkom will be there to introduce you to Q!365 and connect the world of Salesforce with the world of Microsoft 365.Andreas Rosen and Dominic Ley will be there to answer all your questions and offer you an insight into our innovations and give demonstrations.In our lecture we will show how the CRM knowledge of "Why we do…

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Salesforce World Tour 2024, New York City + Munich

Meet us on site in New York City or Munich! April 25, 2024The largest CRM & AI event is coming to NYC and Munich! And Qkom will be there to introduce you to Q!365 and connect the world of Salesforce with the world of Microsoft 365.Dominic Ley and Oliver Haucke are in NYC to answer all your questions and offer you an insight into our innovations and give demonstrations, while Andreas Rosen can be found in Munich. Come visit us and learn how these worlds become one through Q!365.

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Can I manage a Service Center in Outlook?

Scheduling appointments for customers and employees Be it for vacation, attendance or operational planning, in order to create an efficient overview internally, you need a solid foundation that makes all of this possible. Especially in service centers, which act as gateway between employees and customers and ensure smooth organizational and planning processes. Unfortunately, there are often difficulties that make this much more complicated than necessary: What can you do to make calendar changes easier for others to see and organize? How can I guarantee that those affected will be informed of changes via email every time? Can I move appointments…

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Infinity 365 Conference in Salzburg

Infinity 365 Conference June 26th to 28th, 2023 We are excited to announce that we will be participating as both sponsor and exhibitor at the Infinity 365 Conference for Microsoft in June 2023. We can't wait to connect with our German customers andengage with potential new customers, as well as the overall German Microsoft community. At the conference, we'll be sharing the latest updates and ideas related to OnTime. We're eager to hear your feedback, ideas and wishes so that we can work together to optimize your time to the highest level. Andreas Rosen and Seely Schmidt from Qkom will be…

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