Is it possible to access my Salesforce contacts in Outlook?

Connecting people across tenants and systems As a company grows, so does their reach - or at least that is the goal. By reach, we mean the amount of people we are in contact with, can show or sell our products or services to and the scope even beyond that as we continue to grow. With that, certain issues tend to show themselves, especially when it comes to personally or digitally trying to reach out to these ever-growing numbers of people. Back in the day, we used physical paper address books to keep a list of names, phone numbers and…

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What ways are there to simplify catering for meetings?

Organizational challenges and overcomplicationsPlanning an event can be a daunting task that requires considering various factors, including arranging food and drinks for your meeting. Internal or external meetings, room allocations, times, important information such as food allergies; Organizing catering specifically for your meeting needs can be very simple or very complicated. Catering not only has to be requested for orders from out-of-house but can also include internal catering via a canteen.The most common questions or problems typically include one or more of the following:How can you connect catering directly to meeting planning?Which rooms have a catering service and what can…

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How can I simplify Visitor Registration in Outlook?

Visitor registration and its difficultiesA perfect visitor registration is a positive calling card for every company. If the reception is already informed when a visitor arrives, the badges are already prepared and the invitee can be informed with one click.In reality, however, with Outlook the whole thing usually looks different and separate processes increase both the effort and the susceptibility to errors.Are there ways to also register visitors when creating meetings?How can I simplify the registration processes for both visitors and staff?Is it possible to register group(s) as visitors in Outlook?Can you immediately assign visitors to a meeting and room?If…

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Can I book Shared Desks in Outlook?

Creating a hybrid workplaceWith many companies downscaling their office capacity post Covid to accommodate the increased amount of people working remotely, flexibility and adaptability of the existing workplace has become central.Whether it's office week, home (office) week, a mix of the two with only certain days in person at the company or something else, there are a few key questions that one should look at to create a good hybrid work environment. Some of them include the following:What ways are there to organize and manage desk- or room sharing?Can I simplify the process, ensuring it's always up to date and…

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How can I enhance multi-tenant collaboration?

Company Mergers and Exchange issuesWhenever companies expand their business, be it through merging, acquiring or daughter companies, there are many new opportunities for success, evolution and collaboration.With all of the opportunities also come new challenges, however. Coordination, organization, communication are all topics that need to be figured out - something that calendaring can help with, if it weren't also on different tenants or the Exchange systems need to be connected first.  An often daunting task that lags behind the actual merger itself and thus costs everyone a lot of time and resources.There are several challenges that come along with it,…

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How can I see all my team members’ calendars in MS Teams?

Teams CalendarsMicrosoft Teams provides organizations with a world-class unified communications platform which is rapidly changing the everyday work life of many organizations. It is a tool many of us use and have been using for a long time; it has many useful features, helps us manage and coordinate, communicate both in text and video and is being constantly worked on and improved.There are a few things  that make coordination and team management less fluent and intuitive than they could or should be, however. Some functions that many would consider to be baseline or important have yet to be added and…

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Is there an alternative to Find My Time in Outlook for Exchange OnPrem?

Calendar Ping Pong We all know the undoubtedly frustrating feeling when wasting valuable time and assets on scheduling a meeting both externally and internally. The calendar ping pong that can go on forever, simply trying to find space in busy schedules. A problem that is undoubtedly known to any and every person who's ever had to try and set up a meeting with somebody else. This gets exponentially more difficult, if not impossible, the more people are involved. Everyone has their own schedules, both private and work-related, to coordinate - so is there a way to do this? How can…

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How can I manage a large group of people in Outlook?

Leadership IssuesTeam leaders nowadays face challenges that increase with larger and larger teams to overview and organize:How can I organize and maintain groups in my Outlook calendar?Is there a better way to overview colleagues in different time zones?Can I switch more easily between views of days, several days or weeks?Maintaing an overview over various teams, finding any group or project you need without wasting time to search for minutes, finding a solution that integrates in pre-existing systems. Is it even possible to solve performance and flexibility challenges in one fell swoop?Outlook and its WorkaroundsIf you need to be able to…

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How to do vacation planning in Outlook?

Typical ChallengesIf this or a similar question has come up time and time again and workarounds have not been effective enough, you are one of many people struggling with a similar issue.How can I easily plan vacation in Outlook? Is it possible to include the process of approving a request, rather than using forms and e-mails? What about showing some days working from home and some in-office?The Limits of OutlookThe issue becomes even more complicated if you don't just have to track a few to up to ten people, but dozens or even hundreds over not just weeks, but months…

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